Nurse's Corner
Nurse's Corner
Mrs. Lucevero and Mr. Sheehan - 631-285-8920 - Click here for "Nurses Summer Letter"
Dear Parent/Guardian:
If your child is absent, please call the attendance office-285-8910. A sick child cannot perform well and will likely spread the illness to other children/staff. Please make a plan for childcare ahead of time. The health office assists students who are not feeling well or need special treatment as per a doctor's order. Our nurses are always helpful and attentive as they tend to all health-related needs. Nurses are not permitted to make a diagnosis which must be made by your child’s physician. Click here for "Sick Child Guidelines"
-All incoming students require updated immunization records. Click for information: and
-Click here for nurses' "Health Screening Letter"
-Click here for nurses' "Immunization Requirements Letter-English & Spanish"
-All 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders, as well as NEW ENTRANTS within 30 days of enrollment, must submit a physical examination form. Please return these forms on the first day of school or as soon as possible. Click here for "HEALTH FORM" and "DENTAL FORM" and Click here for "Health and Dental Requirements Letter"
PLEASE RETURN the MAILED EMERGENCY CONTACT CARD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE... It is one form for the nurse and main office.
Medication - If your child requires medication during school hours, the health office requires three necessary pieces of information: Click here for "Administration of Medicine in School Form"
A note from the parent/guardian which gives the nurse permission to give your child medicine.
A doctor's note with instructions (child’s name, name of medication, times the medication is to be given, dosage, and duration your child is to receive medication).
The medicine should be in the original sealed prescription bottle/container and handed directly to the nurse by parents. This even includes over-the-counter medication.
Injuries - If your child sustains an injury in or out of school, please notify the Health Office so we can provide any assistance to your child. All medical notes must be submitted to the health office. We will distribute it to appropriate staff members. Your child will not be permitted to resume gym/sports until a medical clearance note is given from the originating doctor.
Additional forms and information:
Student Insurance Parent Information Brochure
Thank you for your kind assistance. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Health Office at 631-285-8920.